Music Promo: 'The Cool Caps - Dreams Come True'
Dance Charts 2017

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Music Promo: 'The Cool Caps - Dreams Come True'

(Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 - 2 Minuten)

The Cool Caps - Dreams Come True"Dreams Come True" von The Cool Caps - neu in unserer Promo.

The Cool Caps Unveil “Dreams Come True” - A Melodic Ode to Love

"Dreams Come True" is more than just a song; it's an anthem for the heart. The lyrics narrate a story of deep emotional connection and the joy of shared dreams. Raoul and Francisco delve into the profound impact of love that promises to light up the darkest paths and offer a beacon of hope and joy. The chorus is a powerful affirmation of love's transformative power, set to the backdrop of The Cool Caps' signature sound—80s-inspired synths mixed with contemporary dance beats.

Dreams Come True: A Summer Anthem That Calls You to Love

The accompanying music video is a visual treat that aligns perfectly with the song's theme. Crafted to make viewers yearn for a life filled with love and adventure, the video complements the lyrical narrative with imagery that is as emotive as it is picturesque. Art directed by R.L. Ewler in Berlin, the aesthetic is a seamless blend of vintage and modern cues, making it a complete sensory experience.

Looking Ahead: A Future Filled with Dreams and Love
As "Dreams Come True" hits the airwaves and digital platforms, it sets the stage for a summer of musical exploration and connection. The Cool Caps have consistently demonstrated their ability to blend cultural elements with universal themes of love and life. This track reaffirms their position in the music world as artists who not only produce sounds but also craft experiences.

For fans and new listeners alike, The Cool Caps offer more than just music.
They offer an invitation to dream.


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Über den Autor
S. Wernke-Schmiesing

Während meines Studiums gründeten wir 2008 die Dance-Charts. Als reine Musik-Promotion-Agentur gestartet, entwickelte sich die Plattform zu einem der größten Blogs und News-Portale für Dance-Musik in Deutschland. Als Chefredakteur heißt es täglich News recherchieren und Entscheidungen treffen. Neben der Tätigkeit für die Agentur bin ich regelmäßig als DJ in Clubs und Großraumdiskotheken unterwegs.

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