"Lie" von Sidney Housen feat. NJ - neu in der DJ-Promo.
Sidney Housen [Sidney van Gool] has a natural talent for producing inventive tracks and projects. At the age of 13, he started to Google how all these fantastic DJs produced their songs and started by himself.
After several years of working on his own sound, he has injected his know-how, for instance at No 1 Hit with DJ Rebel, "Black Pearl" (18 million streams ) a few tracks for Danzel.
In his own artist name, he created Top 10 Hit: Orgasm. Thanks to his curiosity, he now exploits new styles and dance music expressions - like the retro-dance-anthem FREE, which comes to the 80s retro movement in time with the sound of Axel F, Miami Vice, Knight Rider, etc.
18th of June 2021, he will release LIE with British singer Nat James on vocals. Watch out for this amazing DJ & Producer, and it's just a matter of time…
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