The Finnish EDM duo Thomas Will, featuring Thomas (Tuomas Hukkanen) and Will (Wili-Veikko Nuutinen), was formed in late 2016. The idea of ”Thomas Will” was born when they met in high school and started discussing producing music.
Throughout acoustic instruments and passion for composing electronic dance music the duo belongs to the new wave of their genre. Both were influenced by rock classics, early 21st century pop and EDM heritage.
Thomas Will brings all these elements together into the festival house with great lyrical stories and emotional melodies. Seeing them live makes you sweat and cry at the same time.
Thomas Will has been busy also in the festival world during the last few years. In 2023, they took the stage at the Electronic Fields Festival in Helsinki. Summer of 2024 will bring them to the Weekend Festival, one of the largest electronic music-focused festivals in the Nordic countries, to delight all the fans of their music.
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