Dance Charts 2017

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Music Promo: 'Talla 2XLC & Clara Yates - Stay'

(Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 - 2 Minuten)

Talla 2XLC & Clara Yates - Stay"Stay" von Talla 2XLC & Clara Yates - neu in unserer DJ-Promo.

After their huge vocal trance anthems Back To Life and Shadow Left Behind the beloved Talla 2XLC collaborates for 3rd time with Clara Yates, the British trance vocalist who currently resides in Melbourne, for the stunning Stay. The track is a solid full on to the point uplifting trance with tough beats, driving pounding basslines and blissful synths on top while Clara Yates exquisite feel good positive vocals are added on top to create the perfect warm trancer to help us get through the cold winter nights. The breakdown is atmospheric with piano chords and bubbly synthy riffs along with sensual strings. Clara’s playful performance of the heartwarming lyrics will definitely resonate to many listeners who will sing a long trying to convince their loved ones to stay and keep having their great relationship. The euphoric epic synths build the tension beautifully and with heavy drum rolls we are heading towards the finest crescendo full of big synths and mesmerizing vocals. If you have wished Talla 2XLC to work again with Clara Yates your wishes have become true with a track that will do real damage the coming months. Its out now on That’s Trance. 



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Über den Autor
S. Wernke-Schmiesing

Während meines Studiums gründeten wir 2008 die Dance-Charts. Als reine Musik-Promotion-Agentur gestartet, entwickelte sich die Plattform zu einem der größten Blogs und News-Portale für Dance-Musik in Deutschland. Als Chefredakteur heißt es täglich News recherchieren und Entscheidungen treffen. Neben der Tätigkeit für die Agentur bin ich regelmäßig als DJ in Clubs und Großraumdiskotheken unterwegs.

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