DJ/Producer James Tennant has revived the club anthem ‘Rock Da House’, a huge hit on dancefloors back in the 90’s - originally by the legendary DJ’ Tall Paul.
A track synonymous with the era of the super-clubs, ‘Rock da House’ was on high-rotation and a guaranteed floor filler. It also hit number 11 on the UK charts, and was remixed by high profile names such as Freddie Le Grand.
James has edited and remixed the track - keeping the spirit and vibe of the original; but giving it a fresh take which is perfect for the dancefloors of 2019.
James said: “I was a big fan of the original track, which I have great memories of playing to crowds back in the day. It was a really enjoyable challenge to rework it and bring something fresh to this classic”.
‘Rock Da House’ is the follow-up to ‘Reach Up Higher’, which was number one in the US DJ Pool charts for four weeks and made number 12 in the UK Music Week Dance Chart.
Both tracks are taken from James Tennant’s upcoming album ‘Reach Up’.
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