Dance Charts 2017

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DJ-Promo: 'STEEL x Crystal Rock feat. Heleen - Another World'

(Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 Minute)

STEEL x Crystal Rock feat. Heleen - Another World"Another World" von STEEL x Crystal Rock feat. Heleen.

This song literally takes you into another world! Together with Heleen from the Netherlands, the two German DJs and musicians STEEL and Crystal Rock start a new trend in the electronic music scene: off-bass! With 135 BPM, the song hits the speed niche of the previously popular genres and can thus create sounds that have not been heard very often before.

STEEL picked true music enthusiasts to join him on his new record: Crystal Rock has already worked with artists like Snoop Dogg or Ne-Yo and released records at Universal and Sony. With her ballad-like singing, Heleen contributes to the feel-good atmosphere, which, when dropping, leads into a wild dance mood. This track indeed leads you to another world that will a have a big impact on the international playlists!



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Über den Autor
S. Wernke-Schmiesing

Während meines Studiums gründeten wir 2008 die Dance-Charts. Als reine Musik-Promotion-Agentur gestartet, entwickelte sich die Plattform zu einem der größten Blogs und News-Portale für Dance-Musik in Deutschland. Als Chefredakteur heißt es täglich News recherchieren und Entscheidungen treffen. Neben der Tätigkeit für die Agentur bin ich regelmäßig als DJ in Clubs und Großraumdiskotheken unterwegs.

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