Dance Charts 2017

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ZYX Trance präsentiert:

Music Promo: 'Last Soldier - Alliance'

(Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 Minute)

Last Soldier - Alliance"Alliance" von Last Soldier - neu in unserer Promo.

The very successful and well recognized and accepted Iranian trance producer Last Soldier returns on ZYX Trance after his track Desire for the stunning uplifter Alliance. For this very effective instrumental track he utilizes psy trance basslines, thumping drums, driving beats and punchy kicks along with cool synthy stabs until to reach his gracious breakdown with incredible cinematic atmosphere. Mysterious out of this world voices and slow and teasing presentation of his various synthy plucks that will excite your senses without delays. His main synthy hook is extremely infectious and highly euphoric so when the drum rolls come to lead us effortlessly in the climax we are abandoned in space and beyond with hands in the air feeling and breathing the incredible mouthwatering innerpower of great well-produced trance. Last Soldier delivers the goods with Alliance on ZYX Trance, the label overlooked by the trance pioneer Talla 2XLC. 


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Über den Autor
S. Wernke-Schmiesing

Während meines Studiums gründeten wir 2008 die Dance-Charts. Als reine Musik-Promotion-Agentur gestartet, entwickelte sich die Plattform zu einem der größten Blogs und News-Portale für Dance-Musik in Deutschland. Als Chefredakteur heißt es täglich News recherchieren und Entscheidungen treffen. Neben der Tätigkeit für die Agentur bin ich regelmäßig als DJ in Clubs und Großraumdiskotheken unterwegs.

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