Pa Sheehy - Guided (Kléos Remix).
Music Producer & Composer from Argentina. 23 years old and started in music when he was a kid, playing guitar, drums, piano etc, until about 7 years ago when little by little he was introduced to the world of production. In 2019 he decided to dedicate himself full time to music production and composition, based on various genres (Electronic, Dance Music, Pop, Folk, Deep House, Tropical House and others) always looking for new musical melodies and in turn try to convey something different musically with them. This is what he looks for in his music: to be able to transmit something new and try to reach the listener in a unique and different way.
Remix of recent Pa Sheehy single 'Guided' from Argentinian Producer / DJ Kléos. The track carries strong lyrical reflections on what it is like to be in a large city, somewhat alone, when all you really want and love is at home in a different country. The remix builds on this sensibility.
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