Winter time also means Christmas time. During these cold days, there aren’t many better things than just enjoying the freezing temperatures inside your house with a hot chocolate or something similar. In terms of music, there is an almost endless selection of Christmas songs available, from traditional songs like ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ to evergreens such as ‘Last Christmas’ you can find pretty much everything being played around the world.
Luckily, fans of Electronic Dance Music don’t have to endure other songs during that time, because there are even some holly jolly EDM tracks out there. Artist and producer YNA (TikTok & Instagram: made sure that you have no troubles finding the best EDM tracks for the winter season; the versatile female beat maker and singer created an EDM CHRISTMAS remix “Last Christmas” which you can check out below!
There was found the perfect balance between traditional Christmas music and commercial EDM. The track sounds haunting and breathtaking. With the wonted bells at the very start, it puts a shining spotlight on YNA’s voice before the beautifully made beats creep in to add extra dimension. The drop is truly something special, adding extra slappy bass to elevate it even more and make it sound truly unique, a danceable hit ready to burn on winter dancefloors!
Sounding so different from what we are expecting to hear, this remix is a masterpiece, and deserves to be blasted out on speakers!"
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