"YOU" von De Cody - neu in unserer Promo.
De CODY's new song "YOU" - the party hit you can't miss! 🎶 Why?De CODY's new song "YOU" - the party hit you can't miss! 🎶 Why?Because its catchy beat and emotional lyrics captivate both young and old!The blend of modern sound and nostalgic vibes gets everyone on the dance floorand brings good vibes. 💃 🕺 "YOU" touches on the universal themes of first lovethat connect us all. Plus, the French version is exclusively for DDC DJs! Perfect foran unforgettable night with friends!
So grab your crew and let’s celebrate together! 🎉 ✨#DeCODY #YOU #DanceParty #MustHave #DDC Exclusiv
Thank you very much in advance for your support!
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