"Axel F" von ThomTree, Marc Kiss & Tyson301 - neu in der DJ-Promo.
Twitch DJs, producers and streamers ThomTree, Marc Kiss & Tyson301 (together 2 million monthly listeners) cover one of their all-time favourites together. The 80s theme "Axel F" is wonderfully transported into the year 2022. Fit for the upcoming festival summer this year, perfect for the mainstage and club sets.
ThomTree: One of the biggest dance DJs on Twitch (more than 40k followers) in German-speaking countries with official support from Twitch. Collaborations with Crystal Rock (Top 25 Dance Artist in Germany)
Marc Kiss: 1.6 million monthly listeners. Current hit "Happy Ending" on Sony. Also numerous collabs with Crystal Rock.
Tyson301: Newcomer. "Axel F" is his second single. The first release was on the renowned Future House Cloud label.
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