Dance Charts 2017

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Music Promo: 'Calmani & Grey x R I V I E R A - Neon Signs (feat. Atli)'

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Calmani & Grey x R I V I E R A - Neon Signs (feat. Atli)"Neon Signs (feat. Atli)" von Calmani & Grey x R I V I E R A.

German DJ and producer duo Calmani & Grey and Italian DJ and producer duo R I V I E R A collaborated to produce the song "Neon Signs". The topline was contributed by Icelandic singer / songwriter Atli. The song lives from its lead vocal, which is incredibly catchy and gets under your skin. The instrumental is modern deep house / electro pop style.

Calmani & Grey: Support by top DJ’s around the world like Tiesto, Alok, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Hardwell, Timmy Trumpet, Nicky Romero and many more.

R I V I E R A: Founded in 2021 and already more than half a million Spotify streams. Release ("The Best") on Hardwell's label Revealed Recordings.

Atli: Young singer / songwriter talent with a unique voice. Plays live with band every weekend. 300k Spotify streams in the last few months. 


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Über den Autor
S. Wernke-Schmiesing

Während meines Studiums gründeten wir 2008 die Dance-Charts. Als reine Musik-Promotion-Agentur gestartet, entwickelte sich die Plattform zu einem der größten Blogs und News-Portale für Dance-Musik in Deutschland. Als Chefredakteur heißt es täglich News recherchieren und Entscheidungen treffen. Neben der Tätigkeit für die Agentur bin ich regelmäßig als DJ in Clubs und Großraumdiskotheken unterwegs.

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