"Up & Down" von Marnik - neu in der DJ-Promotion.
April 12th will see the latest record from Italian dance duo Marnik drop. Also known as Emanuele and Alessandro, the pairing is known for their dazzling dancefloor sounds - always drenched in melody and anthemic energy. With collaborations with Steve Aoki and Don Diablo under their belt, they continue to play some of the biggest festivals and clubs in the world. Their most recent single ‘Gam Gam’ had enormous success with over 1.3 million Shazams across the world - including hitting #1 in France - and topping 6.5 million Spotify streams. Marnik now bring us ‘Up & Down.’
The tune is instantly eye-catching with a floor-ready beat and a message designed to make people stop and look at the world. Children have sung the vocals, highlighting its theme: how society imprisons people in a cyber existence, leaving the younger generation to fight the trappings of those who have become like controlled androids.
With a jaunty, piano-driven melody before its future dance beat kicks in, this track embeds itself in your memory and will leave you singing it on repeat. Marnik share their thoughts on it, saying: “Up & Down is a very special song to us... With this song we wanted to share with the audience something different to what we used to do in the past, and show the kind of artists we really are.”
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